HUM-H332 — Don Quixote — Winter 2019–2020

This table shows what you should do for each classday; all work should be completed before the start of class on the date for which it’s listed. To put it another way, tests are listed on the day they will be given and assignments on the day they are due.

assignments for week six
Monday, 20 January This day is for getting caught up if we get behind, or for reviewing before the test.
Tuesday, 21 January Test 1 The test will cover topics related to the Part One of Don Quixote (1605).
The test may potentially have some identification questions, asking to you to describe characters whose names you are given, or asking you to tell the name of a described character, or asking you to identify in some fashion a quote from the text. There may also be short answer questions, and a short essay. To be prepared you should have read the First Part (1605) of Don Quixote and have thought about the issues it raises, as well as knowing the terms and topics defined and discussed in class. A sheet listing these terms and topics will be provided in the days leading up to the test, but simply knowing them all is not by itself sufficient to do well on the test. (The film Lost in La Mancha will not be covered on this test but will be on test 2.)
Thursday, 23 January Reading the Prologue and Chapter 1 of the Part Two (published 1615) of Don Quixote. (Don't worry too much if you don't understand everything about the dog in the prologue.)
Reading Questions
• How can we interpret the story in chapter 1 about the man who wished to be released from the Insane Asylum in terms of sanity, insanity, context, and truth?
Report Avellaneda and his “false” continuation of the Quixote
Friday, 24 January Reading Part 2, Chapters 2–4
Reading Questions
• What relationship between Parts One and Two emerges in the reading for today?
• What relation do you see between this painting by Rene Magritte, The Treachery of Images, 1928–29, and the work of the (fictional) painter Orbaneja mentioned in these chapters? (The French caption on the Magritte painting reads “This is not a pipe.”) Also, how do the Magritte painting, and that of Orbaneja, relate to the concepts of mimesis and literary (or artistic) criticism and interpretation?
• Again, we have readers and reading, as well as writers and writing on display in these chapters. In what ways?
Report Metafiction
Project Two Description is due today. Please turn in a one paragraph description of what your second project will be about. Be sure to include your name and CM box.